CS Instructional Practice Evidence Guide
This look-for tool is designed for observing and reflecting upon the quality of computer science (CS) instructional practice, as aligned to the Standards for CS Teachers. Teachers, coaches, and instructional leaders may use this tool to support the ongoing development of CS teachers through evidence-based, standards-aligned conversations about CS instruction.
The following teacher and student actions delineate effective teaching and learning of K-12 computer science. However, one should not expect to see all, or even the majority of, these actions at any given time. Rather, they can be used collectively as a framework to define indicators of quality teaching and learning. They can also be used modularly to isolate specific areas of focus, based on teachers’ individualized development goals.
There are two versions of the evidence guide — one organized by teacher standard and another organized by theme. Both are available as Google Docs and PDFs.
Organized by Standard
There are five teacher standards: CS Knowledge & Skills, Equity & Inclusion, Professional Growth & Identity, Instructional Design, and Classroom Practice. Here is one example:
Organized by Theme
There are five themes: Content, Culture of Equity, Collaboration & Communication, Application & Innovation, and Problem Solving. Here is one example:
License & Attribution
Authors: Bryan Twarek, Janice Mak, and Cindi Chang
Suggested Citation: Twarek, B., Mak, J., and Chang, C. (2021). CS Instructional Practice Evidence Guide. CSTA Standards for CS Teachers. Retrieved from https://csteachers.org/lookfor.

License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).