Board of Directors
CSTA’s Board of Directors consists of 14 voting representatives, with 11 of those elected directly by CSTA’s membership. Meet the current CSTA Board of Directors.

Board Chair, Teacher Education Representative (July 2022 – June 2026)
Charity Freeman
My CSTA Story
Charity’s journey as “unofficial brand ambassador for CSTA” began when she received a scholarship to attend the 2019 CSTA Annual Conference. There, she learned about CSTA’s then–brand new Equity Fellowship and went on to join its first cohort! Since then, Charity has written several articles for CSTA’s The Voice, served as the first Equity Strand Lead of the Annual Conference Committee, and led CSTA’s Nominations and Elections Committee. She became chair of the Board of Directors in July 2023. “#iLoveMyCSTA, and I’m passionately committed to our organization’s growth as we support and advocate for our teachers to be seen, heard, and valued.”
My Story
As part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s computer science department, Charity Freeman is supporting the launch of two new graduate degree programs in her hometown of Chicago. Tried and true, she’s a diehard Bears fan, staunch supporter of the “Sears Tower,” and a firm believer that ketchup doesn’t belong on hot dogs. Her determined spirit carries into her work in CS education throughout the state of Illinois, where she helps lead the newly formed ECEP Illinois team. As a governor-appointed member of the Illinois P–20 Council, she co-chairs a project-based working group on scaling K–12 CS education. Charity is also the lead instructor of the Teaching Methods in Computer Science endorsement course for in-service teachers at UIUC’s College of Education.
In her spare time… That’s funny. Charity’s rarely-enjoyed hobbies include watching football, playing tennis, and enjoying dinner with her family. Meanwhile, she’ll continue focusing on building and sustaining K–20 CS education ecosystems that systematically identify and address disparities in opportunities, outcomes, and representation in computing education.

International Representative (October 2022 – June 2024)
Edge Angeles
My CSTA Story
Although Edge had attended CSTA conferences and became a bag stuffer in Omaha in 2018, he didn’t really know what to expect, or that it would lead him to love the people who were involved. From stuffing bags to meeting with CSTA’s executive director to leading the first non-American CSTA chapter to serving on the board, Edge is inspired to keep going by the people he shares the love with and the people who share it along the way.
My Story
Edge is currently a licensed high school CS teacher, and he has been teaching CS and computer education since 2005. He has taught at several of the premier private high schools in the Philippines, and he spent a considerable amount of time teaching theoretical CS and software development at the tertiary level. While working at the university level, Edge contributed to the recommendations for the curricula of bachelor’s degrees in computer science and entertainment and multimedia computing. Edge now works to generate computer science content and curricula at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

At-Large Representative, (July 2022 – June 2024)
Nimmi Arunachalam
My CSTA Story
Nimmi joined CSTA as a new computer science educator in 2014, and she credits her growth in the art and science of computing education to the outstanding support she received from CSTA and its members. She is deeply invested in broadening participation in computing in the K–12 and post-secondary environments. Nimmi serves as the president of CSTA PBC/Broward, where she continues to learn and grow through her association with computing educators across the country.
My Story
Nimmi Arunachalam is the program director of Break Through Tech at Florida International University, where she works to increase diversity and gender equity in Miami’s tech ecosystem. Prior to holding this position, Nimmi worked for the School District of Palm Beach County, where she served as the CTE specialist (cybersecurity), and she was previously a CS teacher at Olympic Heights High School. Nimmi has taught AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A and was a master teacher for Project Lead The Way engineering and CS courses. She has industry experience as a business analyst in the software industry in Chennai, India.
Nimmi holds Florida professional certifications in Educational Leadership, Mathematics (6–12), Technology Education (6–12), and Computer Science (K–12). She has won numerous awards and praise for her work in computer science education. She is the current president of the CSTA PBC/Broward, as well as the at-large representative of the national CSTA Board of Directors. She holds a master’s degree in educational leadership from Florida Atlantic University, a master’s degree in business administration from Pondicherry Central University, India, and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, Pilani, India. Nimmi is currently pursuing a PhD in computer science education through FIU’s SUCCEED graduate program.

Past Board Chair (July 2023 – June 2024), School District Representative (July 2019 – June 2024)
Dan Blier
My CSTA Story
Since joining CSTA in 2018, Dan has enjoyed the learning and collaboration that comes along with membership. In 2019, he was elected to serve as the district representative on the CSTA Board of Directors. He was selected as the chair-elect in July 2020 and has served as board chair for the past two years.
My Story
A public education teacher for twenty years, Dan Blier spent the last seven years as the computer science curriculum specialist for Plano Independent School District. As of July 2023, he was promoted to the position of career and technical education coordinator in the STEM career cluster, which includes computer science, engineering, and robotics.

State Department Representative (July 2022 – June 2024)
Cindi Chang
My CSTA Story
As a new high school teacher and a member of CSTA since 2006, Cindi values the resources, networking, and enrichment opportunities this organization has provided throughout her career. She was a founding member of Nevada’s Silver State CSTA chapter and supports the leadership team in her current position at the Nevada Department of Education. Cindi is serving her second term as the state department representative on the CSTA Board of Directors. In this capacity, she serves on different focus groups to build standards-aligned resources for administrators and educators, provides a state-level perspective on the policy committee, and co-facilitates quarterly State CS Supervisor meetings.
My Story
Cindi is the interim director of CTE and IT programs at the Nevada Department of Education. She is an award-winning former high school CS teacher, standards author, curriculum developer, state and national presenter, former industry programmer, web developer, and technology business owner, and recent Association for Computing Machinery–published author. Cindi is also an adjunct professor of computer science education at Touro University Nevada, where she prepares teachers to earn their CS endorsement and to teach CS in unique and exciting ways. She has also traveled internationally to support educators in Europe and Africa.
With her undergraduate, graduate, and industry experience in computer science, business, education, and administration, Cindi is uniquely positioned to evaluate and redesign innovative systems to elevate CTE and CS education to a variety of stakeholders, for the benefit of all students everywhere.
Cindi enjoys traveling internationally, reading, hiking, and spending quality time with her children and grandchildren.

Admin/Coaches Subcommittee, 2025 Conference Committee; At-Large Representative (July 2023 – June 2025)
Rudy Escobar
My CSTA Story
Since joining CSTA, Rudy has been an active member of CSTA Sacramento and CSTA California Far North. As a tech manager, he provides technical support and promotes equitable access to computer science education. Rudy is also a leader in the CSTA LatinX Affinity Group and a member of the CSTA Policy Committee, contributing to discussions on advocacy, policy, and professional development. He is committed to CSTA’s mission of promoting high-quality CS education for all students.
My Story
Rudy Escobar is a STEM and computer science coordinator with expertise in STEM, particularly science, computer science, and engineering. With over a decade of experience, he is a highly accomplished educator who consistently advocates for equitable access to computer science and STEM education. Prior to his career in education, Rudy worked in the pharmaceutical, environmental, and food industries using his engineering, science, and computer science background. Rudy specializes in PreK–12 computer science, STEM, physical computing, robotics, project-based learning (PBL), engineering, science, NGSS assessments, and PBL curriculum development.
Rudy promotes computer science and STEM education in California through conferences, workshops, and initiatives, advocating for equitable opportunities for all students, particularly underrepresented ones. As a micro:bit champion he has directed micro:bit and science conferences. Rudy has developed resources, provided professional development, and created partnerships to promote computer science and STEM education throughout the state. He has developed distance learning resources and organized C-STEM camps for underrepresented students. Rudy has also collaborated with local universities to support future educators and tutors in STEM and computer science.
Rudy has also partnered with organizations to advocate for and develop project-based STEM lessons. He has provided support for English=language learners, Universal Design for Learning, and social-emotional learning in K–2 science and engineering lessons for the California Department of Education. Rudy’s expertise has been instrumental in evaluating and revising training tools and incorporating current trends and data into the standard curricula for science, computer science, and engineering.

K–8 Teacher Representative (July 2022 – June 2024)
Dr. Abigail Joseph
My CSTA Story
Since joining CSTA as a member in 2013, Abigail continues to grow her involvement with the organization and her commitment to championing equity and access to excellent inclusive CS education. In 2016 she helped found CSTA San Mateo County, and was she part of the inaugural cohort of CSTA Equity Fellows in 2019. She has served on the CSTA Board of Directors since 2021 as an appointed board member and is now the K–8 teacher representative. In 2020 she joined the PD Committee, where she has been serving as the co-chair.
My Story
Dr. Abigail Joseph (she/her) has an extensive career in the California Bay Area as a teacher, coach, facilitator, and speaker. A recent career highlight is a TEDx talk she gave at Gunn High School (Palo Alto, CA) titled “Ubuntu Innovation: A Beacon for Humanity.” Abigail currently works as an instructor for the Oracle Education Foundation, where she designs project-based high school CS experiences that integrate design thinking and futures thinking. She is a CSTA Equity Fellow Alumna and serves on the board of directors for Maker Nexus, a Silicon Valley community makerspace. Beyond teaching, making, and the arts, her current passion as an innovation consultant is helping adults discover everyday innovation. She inspires and empowers communities to use innovation to design and live connected lives filled with play, joy, and wonder. She enjoys exploring the possibilities of tomorrow with her husband in California. Follow her on social media at @drabigailjoseph.

University Representative (July 2022 – June 2024)
Richard Ladner
My CSTA Story
Richard Ladner has volunteered in K–12 computing activities since 1980, with a special focus on students with disabilities. His interest in CS eventually brought him to CSTA, as he became aware of its leadership in bringing computer science to K–12 students. He joined CSTA’s Board of Directors in 2022 in order to help the organization bring computer science to all children and ensure that CS teachers with disabilities would find CSTA itself both welcoming and accessible.
My Story
Richard Ladner is professor emeritus in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. He joined the UW faculty in 1971 after receiving his PhD in mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, that same year. He officially retired in 2017. Although he is not teaching anymore, he continues his research in accessible computing and advocacy work in supporting people with disabilities in computing fields. Since 2006, he has been the leader of AccessComputing, a National Science Foundation–funded project that aims to increase the participation of students with disabilities in computing fields. In 2014, he worked with Andreas Stefik to create AccessCSforAll, a program that works on developing accessible computer science educational technology and training K–12 computer science teachers to include students with disabilities in their classes. In 2018 he was named a Champion of Computer Science – Accessibility by CSTA and Code.org. He joined the CSTA Board of Directors in 2022.

K–8 Representative (July 2023 – June 2025)
Carla Neely
My CSTA Story
Since joining CSTA in 2018, Carla has come to appreciate and respect how much scope computer science offers for students to add their own individuality and creativity. Carla believes that students need to be exposed to computer science beginning at the early grades, just as they require early exposure to learn a second language. Computer science needs to be equal and equitable for all students, and Carla considers herself an advocate for girls in computer science, especially girls of color and girls from other underrepresented communities.
My Story
Carla Neely is a 5th–8th–grade science and computer science teacher. She has found a way to integrate the two subjects together, resulting in memorable learning experiences for all of her students, and she now coaches teachers at her school to integrate computer science into core subjects. Carla is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. In her spare time she like to crochet and read books by Stephen King.

Partner Representative, Microsoft (July 2023 – June 2025)
Jacqueline Russell
My CSTA Story
Jacqueline Russell attended her first CSTA conference in 2017, and she has been involved with CSTA as a sponsor, partner, volunteer, and member ever since. Jacqueline joined the Board of Directors in 2023 and is thrilled to be able, through this role, to give back to the community of CS teachers who changed her own life and who open doors for students everywhere.
My Story
Jacqueline Russell is a product manager for Microsoft Education. Jacqueline has worked at Microsoft since 2005 in various groups focused on technology in education. She is passionate about using technology to enable innovative learning experiences and bring increased creativity to teaching and learning. Jacqueline has worked in the tech industry for over 20 years as a developer, IT consultant, and product manager. She holds a computer science degree from Amherst College and an MBA from INSEAD. Outside of work, Jacqueline enjoys snowboarding, playing squash, and making and coding with her two young kids.

9–12 Board Representative (July 2023 – June 2025)
Delmar Wilson
My CSTA Story
Since becoming a CS teacher in 2017, Delmar has been a driving force in creating a more equitable computer science culture for students at his school. As a 2023 CSTA Equity Fellow, his dedication to increasing equity in computer science extends beyond the classroom. Delmar tirelessly advocates for underrepresented students and organizes extracurricular activities to engage and empower them. Through his work within and outside of the classroom, Delmar strives to break down barriers, empower underrepresented students, and cultivate an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and capable of achieving their dreams in the field of computer science.
My Story
Delmar Wilson has been a public school educator for seventeen years, and he has taught mathematics, AP Computer Science Principles, and Cambridge Thinking Skills at Miami Springs Senior High. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Delmar is chair of the math department, ESSAC chairperson, union steward, and head coach of boys’ varsity basketball.
As Delmar began working on his doctorate degree in 2013, he came to the realization that there weren’t enough minorities in computer science. He created an AP CSP course at his school and began by recruiting his ninth graders, none had ever dreamed of taking a computer science course, much less an AP course. Over the years, this course has become a student favorite, and in 2021 he started the school’s first Computer Science Honor Society. As a veteran teacher, Delmar continues to push CS forward by utilizing his CS Honor Society to broaden CS participation and by introducing students to CS during Computer Science Week. Delmar believes that computer science is not just for a select few; it is for everyone. It has the power to transcend boundaries, break barriers, and unlock the unlimited potential within each and every student. As teachers of the 21st century, we have a commitment to ensure that we are effectively preparing our students to be future leaders.