Catchin’ a Vibe: Hip Hop & CS
Read CS+Fables makes CS fun!
Integrate computer science standards into your ELA classes with CS+Fables curriculum! Be the Lead Learner as you and your students...
Read Keynote: Learning from the Experience and Perspectives of Our Youth
What is the relationship between computer science education and student agency? Why does student identity matter in the context of...
Read Desafíos de la Enseña de la Informática en Español
Únete a las líderes Mayne & Lily del grupo de CSTA Equity Fellowship, mientras facilitan la discusión con maestros de...
Read Disrupting Traditional PD with Micro-Credentials
Micro-credentials are accelerating innovation in education and increasing opportunities for just-in-time, job-embedded training. This session will speak to the exciting...
Read Leaning on Each Other to Overcome CS Imposter Syndrome
If you doubt your skills, talents, and accomplishments and fear that you do not belong in the CS education community,...
Read Applying the CSTA Equity Standards in K-12 CS Education
This session will introduce the Equity Standards within the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers. A panel of CS educators with...