Committee Volunteers
CSTA is so grateful for the support of our committee volunteers. If you’re interested in supporting CSTA as a committee volunteer, invite you to complete an application.

Middle School Subcommittee, Conference Committee
David Lockett
My CSTA Story
David Lockett is a member of the Conference Committee.

Professional Development Committee Member
Deena Crawford
My CSTA Story
Deena was inspired to join CSTA because of the goal she shares with the organization to bring CS experiences to even more students around the country! Deena is a former elementary bilingual teacher, and she is passionate about expanding access to innovative learning experiences to all students!
My Story
Deena Crawford is a SAM Labs Partnership Manager for the Central and Southwest Regions of the United States. She supports educators in creating innovative learning experiences for students, and those interested in engaging and expanding their STEAM and Coding goals. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish with a Minor in Education from Oral Roberts University. Deena taught in the DFW, Texas area for 11 years in Bilingual and STEM-focused classrooms, facilitating creative learning environments for students. She is passionate about bringing engaging educational experiences to all learners, and finding more opportunities to drive student collaboration and creativity.

High School Subcommittee, 2025 Conference Committee; Local Representative, 2024 Conference Committee
Denise Snow
My CSTA Story
Being a member of CSAT has provided me with valuable opportunities for professional growth, networking, access to resources, staying updated, and finding inspiration to enhance my teaching practice.
My Story
I am a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) in career and technical education (CTE), licensed to teach Computer Science, Graphic Design, Web Design, Animation and Photography with more than 15 years of classroom experience enhanced with 20 plus years of experience in the digital multimedia design field. I am currently a project facilitator at the Nevada Learning Academy (NVLA) at Clark County School District.

Admin/Coaches Subcommittee Member, Conference Committee
Elissa Hozore
My Story
Elissa Hozore is the computer science specialist at the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). In that role she advocates for and supports PK–12 computer science education throughout Maryland. She works collaboratively with others at MSDE, with the Maryland Center for Computing Education, and with other local, state, and national organizations to support school districts and teachers in providing computer science opportunities for all students.

Awards Committee Member
Eric Shewmaker
My CSTA Story
Eric Shewmaker is a member of the Awards Committee

Local Representative, Conference Committee
Fran Bromley-Norwood
My Story
Fran Bromley-Norwood is a Computer Science and Cybersecurity administrator in the Clark County School District, Nevada. She has the privilege of sharing her knowledge of computer science and cybersecurity with students, teachers, administrators, and industry professionals. Fran’s overall goal is to encourage and prepare educators and students to be career ready for industry positions. Fran is a member of the Nevada State K-12 Computer Science Standards writing team and a standards development member for the CTE Computer Science and Cybersecurity programs of study. She is also a member of the assessment teams for all of those content areas. Fran’s dedication to education has earned her the College Board AP Computer Science Principles Female Diversity Award, and NCWIT Aspirations Educator Award. Fran was also an inaugural member of the CSTA Chapter Leaders Committee and founding member of the Nevada Silver State CSTA chapter.

CSHS Committee Member
Eileen Malick
My CSTA Story
Founding member of the CSTA CSHS since October 2022.
My Story
Computer Science Instructor at CodeRVA Regional High School teaching all levels of Computer Science for over 2.5 decades. Supervisor and co-instructor of Student CS Teachers at the University of Mary Washington.

Awards Committee Member
Esmeralda Tovar
My CSTA Story
Esmeralda Tovar is a member of the Awards Committee

Middle School Subcommittee, Conference Committee
Glenda Guerrero
My CSTA Story
CSTA has proven indispensable for Glenda professionally. Attending technology conferences tailored to k12 Computer Science has been instrumental in fostering innovative teaching methods and connecting with like-minded educators. With over 30 years of experience, Glenda finds continual learning and development through these events. The experience is not only enjoyable and stimulating but also enriching, contributing to her ongoing growth and enthusiasm for teaching.
My Story
Dr. Glenda Guerrero has dedicated herself to lifelong learning for almost 30 years, focusing on helping students achieve success in the fields of computer science and engineering. With her expertise in grade-level content, Dr. Guerrero employs inquiry, observation, and evaluation as the basis for assessing and improving student learning in a manner that is appropriate for their age and language needs. While her initial interest in this field was sparked by her experience as the daughter of immigrants, her passion for justice and empathy towards individuals with developmental disabilities have compelled her to serve a wide range of students. As a first-generation Latina in S.T.E.M., Dr. Guerrero has fulfilled her mission by mentoring groups that are often underrepresented in terms of race, gender, and ability. She has encouraged self-exploration and empowered innovative approaches to learning, which have helped to support the academic achievements of students who have traditionally been marginalized.

Middle School Subcommittee, 2025 Conference Committee; Awards Committee Member
Ian MacIntyre
My CSTA Story
Ian has been an 8th-grade teacher at Sartartia MS (Fort Bend ISD) since 2005 and an active member of CSTA since 2015. He teaches Fundamentals of CS, coaches multiple sports, leads Technovation Texas, and sponsors a thriving Girls Who Code club. He is energized by introducing students to the field of CS, allowing them space to create and solve problems in their community.
My Story
He is currently the Vice President for CSTA Greater Houston, Chair of the National CSTA Awards Committee, and the Technovation Ambassador for the Houston area. Connect with him on Twitter @SMS_Coding to learn more about the awesome work that Ian is doing! For more information, email Ian at ian.macintyre@fortbendisd.com

Equity Subcommittee, Conference Committee
Jaci McCune
My CSTA Story
I have been a CSTA member since 2018, but became an active volunteer in 2022. Reviewing student and teacher awards and serving on the conference committee are highly rewarding, as it brings us closer to teachers and students.
My Story
Dr. Jaci McCune is an educator, researcher, and advocate for computer science education. Her vast experiences as a teacher, professional learning facilitator, state education department professional, and researcher prepared Dr. McCune with a landscape view of computing education ecosystems from local to national levels. As the current Deputy Director for the ECEP Alliance, Dr. McCune works alongside states to broaden computing education opportunities for all students.

Teacher Standards Committee Chair
Janice Mak
My CSTA Story
Janice was inspired to be a part of CSTA initially through her local CSTA AZ chapter where she was surrounded by like-minded and passionate CS educators who cared about bringing CS to students in equitable and inclusive ways. To this end, she has served as president of CSTA AZ and on the board of CSTA.
My Story
As a former CS teacher, instructional coach, administrator, state board of education member, and now researcher, Janice brings a unique lens to her work of advocating for more equitable systems to support students toward full participation in CS education. She has been honored to be a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, NCWIT K-12 Educator, ISTE Making IT Happen, and NSF CAREER award recipient.

Professional Development Committee Chair
James Koontz
My CSTA Story
James first came across the CSTA through the K-12 CS Standards as he was working to build a K-6 CS curriculum in Fairfax County, Virginia. With a passion for quality CS professional development, he joined the CSTA Professional Development Committee, eventually becoming a co-chair, and now serving as chair emeritus.
My Story
After working with the U.S. Army, NSA, and a variety of defense contractors, James became interested in making a difference through education. He became an elementary school teacher, sharing his love of computer science through after school clubs before founding a STEAM Lab for students in K-6. He currently works as an educational technology coach in Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia.

Professional Development Committee Chair; Teacher Standards Committee Member
Jared O’Leary
My CSTA Story
The last semester of my coursework for my PhD in music education I audited a class on coding music apps with a graphical programming language called Max. While taking the class I kept asking myself: When is this music? When is this coding? And when are the two indistinguishable? I explored these questions in K-8 coding and makerspace classes that focused on arts-based coding and interest-driven learning through Scratch, ScratchJr, Ruby, JavaScript, Code.org, and Swift. I eventually left the classroom to develop elementary computer science curricula and professional development used by hundreds of thousands of students and thousands of teachers around the world. I now create free content for gamers, drummers, and computer science educators at www.JaredOLeary.com, such as the #CSK8 Podcast, a podcast for computer science educators.
My Story
I am a multiplicity who creates free content for gamers, drummers, and computer science educators at www.JaredOLeary.com, such as the #CSK8 Podcast, a podcast for computer science educators.

Professional Development Committee Member
Jennifer Albert
My CSTA Story
Jennifer Albert is a member of the Professional Development Committee

Teacher Standards Committee Chair
Jennifer Rosato
My CSTA Story
I first joined CSTA when I started working with K12 teachers as part of a CS4HS grant project. The CSTA community holds the best interests of students and teachers at its core and is aligned to my personal values of wanting to see all students have engaging CS learning opportunities where they feel like they belong. I was a co-founder of the CSTA-MN chapter and part of the leadership team for several years until joining the CSTA Board of Directors.
My Story
Jennifer Rosato is the director of the Northern Lights Collaborative for Computing Education at the University of Minnesota, leading efforts to create more inclusive computing education opportunities. She has been supporting educators in K-12 and higher education in efforts to broaden participation in computing for over 20 years. She is passionate about collaborating with partners across systems and stakeholders to increase equity. She has led multiple grants and projects that provide curriculum and professional development for teachers and districts, is a CSforAll-MN steering committee member working on educational policy in Minnesota, and previously served as chair of the CSTA Board of Directors.

Awards Committee Member; Policy Committee Member
Jeremy Maker
My CSTA Story
Jeremy Maker is a member of the Policy and Awards Committee

High School Subcommittee Member, Conference Committee
Jessica Yauney
My CSTA Story
Jessica joined CSTA as a first year computer science teacher in Los Angeles in 2015. Since then she has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter, Orange County Chapter and is now Co-President of the Utah Chapter. She served on the awards committee and the conference committee and is volunteering at the International Science and Engineering Fair.
My Story
Jessica taught high school computer science in Los Angeles for 3 years and began leading summer training for new AP teachers. Since then she has earned a Master’s degree in Technology from Brigham Young University researching K-12 computer science education. Now, she is a PhD candidate at Stanford University studying education and computer science.

2025 DEIA Chair; 2024 Equity Strand Lead, Conference Committee
Jigar Patel
My CSTA Story
During the 2020 pandemic, one of my colleagues was looking to start a local CSTA chapter in Central Pennsylvania. After learning more about the amazing support system that CSTA has for computer science educators at all levels, I decided to jump on board and became the founding member and now Vice President of the CSTA Susquehanna Valley Chapter. I am deeply engaged in promoting equity in computer science education, especially in rural areas. I am also a volunteer on the conference committee.
My Story
Jigar Patel is the Coordinator for Innovation & Special Projects at Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 and Vice-President of the CSTA Susquehanna Valley Chapter. A 2022-23 CSTA Equity Fellow and a Raspberry Pi Certified Educator, Jigar leads professional development across Pennsylvania and supports TIU11’s Spark Lab, a makerspace fostering K-12 innovation. Recognized as the 2021 PAECT Outstanding Leader of the Year, Jigar champions equitable learning in rural areas, driven by his passion for leveling the educational playing field.

Editorial Board Member
Joyce Seaman
My CSTA Story
Joyce joined CSTA in 2019 and has enjoyed being a part of this group of educators. The innovation and enthusiasm in the CSTA organization is an incredible source of inspiration. In 2022, Joyce began volunteering by being a part of the Cutler-Bell Award selection committee, the CS Teaching Excellence Awards selection committee, and the CSTA conference proposal selection committee. She is looking forward to other opportunities to volunteer within the organization.
My Story
Prior to volunteering with CSTA, Joyce has had over 26 years of experience in education. Starting as an art teacher, and then moving into teaching technology, Joyce has been mentoring teachers and pre-service teachers on how to integrate technology in their classrooms from the PK-College level for more than 20 years. Her favorite part about coaching others is seeing the moment when teachers see how the use of technology can enhance activities in their classrooms, and then watching students light up when they experience the activities. She loves to integrate robotics into the curriculum, and is a Certified Ozobot Educator. Joyce has also won grants from the NSA for the Gencyber program which brought cybersecurity summer camps to Winthrop University two years in a row for both teachers and middle/high school students. She partnered with the Citadel to bring Code.org training to Winthrop University for a programming summer camp for local teachers. In her free time, Joyce loves traveling with her husband and 4 teenage children.