Resources Library
Looking for a specific resource or have one you’d like to suggest?
Read Beyond Zoom – How to Connect to Your Students Remotely
This resource is Unconference.
Read Alternative Pathways for CS Teacher Certification
This resource is Unconference.
Read CSEdWeek Kickoff: Impacts of Computing
Join us as we kick off CSEdWeek 2023. CSEdWeek is an annual program that inspires K-12 students to take an...
Read A Conversation with CS Excellence Award Winners
In this session, hear tips, tricks and best practices from 2021 CS Excellence Award Winners. Presented by Tamieka Grizzle, Jeremy...
Read Indiana’s Computer Science Story
Many states and schools have worked to adopt and implement policies that expand equitable access to computer science education. Fletcher...
Read The Landscape of CS Teacher Qualification Pathways
While there has been a remarkable interest in making computer science a core K–12 academic subject in the United States,...
Read Learning CS and English (Si se puede!)
Best practices for language learners are best practices for all CS students! This session focuses on how language learning skills...
Read Leveraging Maker Mindsets to Teach Computer Science
When we think of makerspaces, we might envision a tinker studio or fabrication facility in a university filled with tools...
Read Hack Students’ Brains: Psychology for Learning & Motivation
“Growth mindset,” or the idea that anyone can learn and improve, has become a popular buzzword in education, drawing the...
Read The TEC Rubric to Evaluate and Improve Computing Curricula
A growing number of computing curricula are available to support teachers and school leaders as they bring the powerful ideas...
Read Children’s Literature as a Bridge for CT Integration
Our Making CT project infuses computational thinking (CT) practices into interdisciplinary maker activities for elementary school classrooms. The maker movement,...
Read Equitable Assessment Methods in Computer Science
How do the formative and summative assessment methods of coding tasks support all students in making progress and achieving success...
Read Don’t Store Milk in a Shoebox: Demystifying K–5 CS Standards
A group of elementary educators from Maryland created annotations for the K–5 Maryland computer science standards, laying out essential questions,...
Read Unplugged Coding Activity in English/ELA and Art Classes
A long time ago in a classroom far, far away, students had something called an imagination, because technology did not...
Read Get Unstuck with a New Intermediate Scratch Curriculum
This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to Getting Unstuck, a new, online, freely accessible intermediate curriculum. Getting Unstuck includes materials...
Read Effective Computing Pedagogy: Lessons from the UK
As a relatively new discipline in schools, computing requires teachers to adapt and develop their pedagogical content knowledge to incorporate...
Read Okay, For Real Now: Virtual Instruction Tools
While many of us have figured out the basics of remote instruction, maybe you’ve wondered if there’s a better way....
Read What’s Happening Here? Sense-Making in High School CS
Canadian educational charity Kids Code Jeunesse, we’ve learned through experience that different students “get” coding in different ways. Exercises and...
Read Mental Models in AP CSP
In 2018, began developing an update to their AP CSP curriculum in order to address teacher feedback and align...
Read Elementary CS from a Distance: Virtual Teaching Takeaways
Elementary teachers truly have experienced it all while teaching computer science virtually since March 2020. We’ve learned so much about...
Read A Peer Instruction Model for Distance Learning
Peer instruction (PI) has been shown to significantly improve a student’s performance in introductory computer science coursework. Traditional PI routines...
Read Creativity & Collaboration in the Computer Science Classroom
Creative thinking is a key 21st century skill, predictive of both academic and professional success. Strong collaborative skills are crucial...