Resources Library
Looking for a specific resource or have one you’d like to suggest?
Read Making Computer Science Classes Culturally Relevant for All Students
Does using culturally relevant teaching mean pedagogues have to learn a myriad of Fortnite dances to entertain students? Is it...
Read MakeCode Arcade
Come join us to learn about the new Microsoft MakeCode Arcade platform – a 1980’s-style retro game development environment entirely...
Read Machine Learning for Kids Workshop
Machine learning is all around us. We all use machine learning systems every day – such as spam filters, recommendation...
Read Leveraging Teacher Leadership to Build and Scale CS Community
Have you been teaching CS and are now looking for the next steps in your professional growth? Are you proud...
Read Lessons Learned from the AP CSP Reading
Participants will examine the results of the 2019 AP Computer Science Principles assessment with the AP Computer Science Principles Chief...
Read K-5 CS is NOT Just Coding: Teaching Non-Algorithms & Programming Standards
While there are many resources available to teach students how to code and that meet the K-5 CSTA Algorithms and...
Read K-12 AI Playground
We interact with Artificial Intelligence technologies every day, but how do they really work? This workshop will give teachers hands-on...
Read Introduction to Machine Learning for Kids
Machine learning is all around us. We all use machine learning systems every day – such as spam filters, recommendation...
Read Introduction to Grassroots Advocacy: How to Make Your Voice Heard
Are you interested in advancing your state’s computer science education policy landscape but don’t know where to start? In this...
Read Introducing the New APCS-A Labs!
In coordination with new resources for teachers across AP subjects, the College Board is releasing new labs to accompany the...
Read Integration CT+X: A Workshop to Plan Your Integration Activities
Do you want to integrate CS with another subject but don’t know where to start? This workshop will help participants begin...
Read Innovative Coding through Embroidery
Are you looking for an innovative way to reach students in computer science? During this session participants will have the opportunity...
Read Individualized Learning through Rhizomatic Design
While group-based learning through a sequence can be a useful approach for elected classes as it is easier to assume...
Read Incorporating Project-Based Learning Effectively in the CS Classroom
The session will allow members of the computing education community to explore practical applications of Project-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy in...
Read Human Centered Design Charrette
In this workshop, participants will engage in a human-centered design (HCD) charrette. This workshop, designed for students of all ages,...
Read How Will YOU Use the New APCS-A Resources?
This BOF will be an informal discussion about the changes and new resources for the APCS-A curriculum. The Topic Outline...
Read How to teach AI across K-12
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is attracting increasing attention due to its potential to enhance and/or disrupt our society....
Read How to Effectively Manage a CS Class
With students in a CS class sitting right in front of a computer, they have access to a number of...
Read How to Connect Between Abstraction and Automation for CT Education – Focused on Korean SW Education
In Korea, the revised informatics is to be compulsory for middle school students from 2018 according to 2015 revised curriculum....
Read How EngageCSEdu Can Help You!
Are you searching for new material for a high school computing class? Do you want a new assignment that covers...
Read Hands-on Cybersecurity with Wireless Robots and NetsBlox
NetsBlox ( is an open-source, networked, visual programming environment based on Snap! that was specifically designed to introduce students to...
Read Group Work that Works: Agile for Authentic Learning
Once thought of as “just programming,” computer science has grown to encompass a variety of roles and disciplines. Isn’t it time...
Read Getting Started with Elementary CS
In Arizona (and many other states), districts are just getting started with elementary coding and CS education initiatives; however, teachers...
Read Game Changineer: Unleashing the Power of English to Computational Thinking
Introduction to computational thinking and programming video games in plain English. Create your video game in just minutes, with an option...