Resources Library
Looking for a specific resource or have one you’d like to suggest?
Read Accommodating for Students with Learning Disabilities
Learn about some of the types of learning disabilities that fall under the umbrella of 'Specific Learning Disability' and discuss some tips.
Read Administrators as Partners for Broader Participation in CS
Ensuring that computer science has multiple pathways for engaging all students requires teams of change agents.
Read CSTA 2021: Opening Keynote & Welcome
In this opening keynote, you'll get a conversation between Jake Baskin and Jen Rosato on Jen's tenure as Board Chair.
Read Kiwix: Bringing Wikipedia to Those Who are Offline
This session will cover two important aspects of using Wikipedia in education : understanding Wikipedia and mastering Kiwix, a tool that provides access to everyone.
Read Building your Equity Advo-KIT
Teachers have the power to influence key decision-makers when it comes to prioritizing CS, but we need to prepare our talking points.
Read Cyber Sleuths: Building Cyber Skills to Solve Today’s Cyber Problems
Attendees will learn ways to detect private information on the internet, map their own digital footprints, and experiment with tools.
Read Getting Started with Elementary Computer Science
This birds of a feather session provides a space for elementary educators and administrators to ask questions, offer tips, and share tools for getting started with computer science.
Read Mobile Apps Programming: A Yearlong Curriculum for Middle School STEM Classrooms
Middle school STEM students are motivated and eager to learn. But how can teachers decide which curriculum and programming language to choose?
Read Offline Coding with Board Games
This session identifies three potential board games for educators to use in the CS classroom to get your students off the computer.
Read Planning Collaboration between Teachers and Volunteer Mentors
This session will focus on how to foster a productive and rewarding collaboration between teachers and volunteer mentors.
Read Reducing Barriers to K–12 CS Participation through UDL and CRP
UDL is an inclusive approach to instruction that removes barriers to learning by promoting a variety of teaching methods and flexible learning environments.
Read “Wait, Pause There!” Reflective Video Review in a CS Teaching Team
In this session, we will watch clips from video reviews and talk about the insights and improvements that emerge through this reflective PD.
Read 3D Programming with Scratch Blocks
This session will explain how to take the first step to "add a third dimension" to your coding class to turbocharge student engagement and creativity.
Read A Playful Learning Approach to Computer Science Education
This interactive workshop introduces Digital Schoolhouse’s unique approach to playful learning in computer science classrooms.
Read Addressing Your Professional Blind Spots
This highly session will introduce participants to the concept of professional blind spots through the lens of CS education.
Read Algorithmic Art: Empowering Students through Creative Coding
Join the Code/Art team for an exploration of the intersection of art and coding as a way to broaden the appeal of computer science to girls.
Read AP CS A Free Response Models
In this session, participants will receive an in-depth look at each free response question type on the AP CS exams.
Read Being a Reflective Teacher
This session offers a hands-on opportunity for participants to engage with the CSTA Standards for CS Educators.
Read Beyond the Binary: Why Gender Equity in the Classroom Requires Queer Inclusion
In this sessions we discuss the importance of queer inclusion in conversations about gender equity in technology.